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10x Growth in the UK Litigation Market: Priming an industry for scale

22 Apr 2024

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The mass action space in the litigation market is maturing at a rapid pace in the UK. We're set to experience 10x growth in cases, claimants, settlement values and funding in the coming 24 months. What do we need to do as an industry to get ready?

Across the collective redress market, we’re seeing unprecedented growth across the number of cases, cohorts of claimants, the value of settlements and the funding that underpins this era of the mega-group action. Any business or industry that goes through this sort of growth has work to do to prime operating models to be ready to scale. It's a great problem to have, but one that requires us to lean in.

Key Discussion Topics:

  • In an ecosystem where we are all about to 10x our operations, are we ready?
  • What have we already put in place to anticipate the future volumes?
  • What challenges do we need to lean into now to overcome gaps in the operating model?
  • And what potential hurdles are we scanning on the horizon that we’ll need to navigate in the build-up to the forthcoming mega-settlements?


We have highlighted some of the stand-out insights shared from each of the panelists for you to read through on our blog, or keep scrolling to watch the recording of the full conversation!

Read the summary



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Get in touch
Claire Van der Zant (Host) Director of Strategic Partnerships, ShieldpayGet in touch
Andrew Hill
Andrew Hill Partner, Fox Williams
Rosie Murray
Rosie Murray Litigation Solicitor and Funding Specialist
Clare Ducksbury
Clare Ducksbury Founder and CEO, Case Pilots